
As duas vacas

8 comentários:

  1. Falta o Portuguese Corporation!


    1. Sugiro: You have two cows borrowed from German and French banks. You invest three in Greek debt. The banks call you to collect the milk. You don't have the cows, so you call the IMF. The IMF loans you 4 cows. In return, you have to milk cows, women and men. So you decide to go to Germany to be milked with more productivity.

  2. Respostas
    1. O texto já existe há algum tempo, mas nunca tinha visto com imagens.

  3. Basicamente, estamos sempre lixados.

    1. Nós, sim. Agora as vacas ainda vão tendo alguma paz na Índia. :)

  4. Que tal essa:

    Brazilian corporation: you have no cows and you don’t want to work to buy one. You join the MST (Landless Workers Movement) and the government takes someone else’s alledgedly unproductive land and give you. You sell the land because you still don’t want to work on it and buy two cows. One is stolen a week later. The govern creates a tax COCC (cow-owning compulsory contribution) to raise money for “Bolsa Família” the social welfare program but only a small percentage of the money gets to the poor families (you can guess where the rest of the money goes). A tax officer fines you because, although you have paid the tax, the value was wrong because the tax was based upon the estimated number of cows not the actual number. You sell the remaining cow to afford the tax and fine and subscribe yourself to Bolsa Família so that others pay for your milk and you have nothing to worry about ;)

    1. Afinal mais valia ter subscrito a Bolsa Família logo no início e não juntar-se ao Movimento dos Sem Terra. Gostei!


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